Watching over you… even in Lockdown

Watching over you… even in Lockdown

a Solstice to remember - Many thanks

I am deeply grateful to everyone who contributed in any way to preparing all of these wonderful resources. You know who you are. Just know that all of our lives are enriched because of your love and your contribution.

Thanks in a very special way to Tess Townsend for being a great companion every step of the way. Without you Tess, this retreat would never have happened so smoothly. You have been a rock and a shelter and most of all a huge loving space to welcome all who came.

And… a huge thank you to all of you who participated in the retreat and contributed to the work of MSF- Doctors Beyond Borders. Apart from the difference you have made in the lives of some of the most vulnerable people around the world suffering the impact of Covid 19 at this time, for sure, you’ve brought me immeasurable delight. Seeing your lovely faces together on my Zoom screen, some of you even in pyjamas, made me think that though we are far from one another we are also close. Even in lockdown our hearts will always find a way to be connected.

A text I love from the Christian Gospels comes to mind as I write:

Give, and it will be given to you.
A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over,
will be poured into your lap.
— Luke 6:38

My hope is that much has been poured into your lap today, inspiration, insights, intuition and resources that will nurture and nourish you as we all step into the next season of our lives together.

A final acknowledgement to JIllian and Thomas (Photo above.) who, over the past 20 years here in Belfast have taught me how to be more fully and joyfully myself and to love simply, softly and messily. For me it doesn’t get much better than that!

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