In turbulent times with multiple and competing demands, a mindful corporate culture supports clear strategy, compassionate presence, effective performance and creative problem solving. It also allows people to be deeply committed without being consumed, caring without getting burned out and competitive without being cruel.
Based on Mindfulness and other transformational approaches Kridyom Services enhance individual performance and organisational success by supporting organisations to put person centred, fit for purpose structures and processes in place that:
Create a highly successful working cultures
Give people reliable access to meaning and fulfilment in their work
Focus on purpose, commitment and contribution.
Interrupt the drift
Negotiate ‘stuckness’
Promote resilience
Enhance relatedness
Unlock human potential
Create a culture of openness and engagement in the work place.
'Finding the Leader Inside Yourself’ coaching and training focuses on the core of effective leadership and resilience through mindfulness and other transformational leadership practices. It offers tools to navigate uncertainty and empowers participants to be purpose focused transformational leaders, more productive at work, more effective in their roles and more peaceful, happy and compassionate wherever they are.
There is clear evidence that long-term absenteeism, unhappiness at work, resistance to change and underperformance are primarily the result of chronic stress.
Our facilitation and training:
Enables people to effectively manage stress.
Creates a clear minded, light hearted, highly motivated and productive workforce
Supports employees to be more committed, creative and focused and fulfilled.
Calm in the Chaos Mindfulness Training creates the foundations for resilience, sustainable performance and committed engagement at work. Normally Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (M.B.S.R.) Programmes are offered over 8 weeks, each session lasting 2.5 hours plus a day long retreat. It can also be offered as a 5 day workshop or customised to meet your particular needs or circumstances.
Mindfulness Taster Sessions - We offer customised taster sessions ranging from 90 minutes to half a day, depending on the outcome required. Taster sessions can be delivered to small groups, large teams or to entire organisations. In a typical taster session people are introduced to what mindfulness is, its scientific basis and and a few mindfulness practices that they can immediately introduce into their their working day.
“How we spend our days is, of course, how we spend our lives.”