Lá d’ár Saol - A day in our lives…

This day.. the only day we have… live it, love it, be deeply grateful for all the gifts it brings… pray always that you can see the world through grateful eyes.

This video, featuring Brother David, a highly-respected Benedictine monk, author and spiritual leader, is a BLESSING to all those with "eyes to see and ears ...

Gratitude Practice

This is a great meditation to do at the beginning or end of the day.

Turn off your phone, tablet, computer and free yourself of interruptions and distractions.

Either sit or lie down, whatever is most comfortable.

Now close your eyes.

Take a long slow, deep breath in and slowly exhale.

Feel any tension melting away as you gradually relax deeper with each breath.

Take another long slow, deep breath in and exhale.

Feel yourself drifting into a state of deep relaxation. 

Continue breathing slowly and gently as you bring your awareness to the top of your head.

As you breathe out, imagine your breath travelling all the way down through your body and into the earth - grounding you, rooting you, earthing you. As you breathe in imagine drawing energy from the earth right up from the soles of your feet and out through the crown of your head connecting you with the heavens…

Breathing like this for a while allow yourself to relax deeply.

In this safe, relaxed state reflect on all the things you’re grateful for: loved ones, health, sunshine, fresh air, a tasty meal, a call from a loved one, a compliment from a coworker, a warm email - whatever comes to mind. Don’t go searching for things to be grateful for… they will arise in their own time if you just create a space for them.

As each gift appears, visualize yourself saying the words thank you.

Re-create the image and feelings so that they feel as real now as they did originally.

Taste the honeycomb ice-cream you ate in the sunshine and say thank you for it.

There are times when we have difficulty coming up with something to be grateful for, if that happens just relax and ask God, a higher power, or the highest part of yourself to reveal them to you. 

Now, allow yourself to experience deeply what gratitude feels like.

Notice where in your body you feel it.

Take a few deep breaths and allow this feeling to expand.

Enjoy the pleasant feeling gratitude gives you, and feel it washing away any anxiety, tightness, tension or negativity.

You can remain in this relaxed state as long as you like.
When you’re ready, end your gratitude meditation with the following affirmation: 

Thank you for the many blessings I have received today. Like the miracle of the loaves and fishes, may these blessings multiply as I continue to notice and give thanks for them. Thank you *God. Thank you Universe - Amen. *(you can substitute ‘God’ with whatever name you give your higher power)
Now, wiggle your toes and fingers, open your eyes and give yourself a few moments to adjust.

Bring that feeling of gratitude with you as you go through your day, or drift off to sleep.   

Please Note - Some people practice gratitude by keeping a Gratitude Journal or a Gratitude Jar.

In their gratitude journal they write 3 things for which they are grateful every night before going to sleep.

In a gratitude jar, they place a rolled strip of paper every night with one thing that they are grateful for that day. at the end of a week, month or year they empty the jar and read the gratitude messages at random as a way of giving thanks, letting go and and creating a space for a new time and many new gifts to come.